AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Call for 2023 AHS College Awards nominations

The AHS Executive Committee is pleased to request nominations for the 2023 AHS College Awards. Additionally, we wish to notify you about the anticipated 2023 University Awards. These are two different sets of awards that may be obtained by those in our college community, and we are encouraging the departments to begin to work together on compiling nominations as soon as possible.

For the AHS College Awards, there are currently six awards pertinent to this announcement: Community Partner Award, Educator of the Year Award, Humanitarian of the Year Award, Outstanding Academic Leadership Award, Professor of the Year Award, and Researcher of the Year Award. The most current nomination guidelines and a list of former award recipients are available on Inside AHS.

The Executive Committee will again serve as the awards committee with responsibility for the selection of the award recipients. The Staff Award of Merit nomination is a separate process and is directed by the AHS Staff Council.

Nominations for the AHS College Awards are due no later than 5 PM, Wednesday, February 1, 2023, and should be sent electronically to Joelle Lantz at jclantz@uic.edu. Some award nominations require as little as a one-two page statement describing the nominee’s qualifications. Self-nominations are encouraged in addition to the nominations of your colleagues. Questions regarding the nominating process may be directed to rtaylor@uic.edu .

The nominations deadline for the university-level awards will be set by the Provost’s office upon formal announcement to the campus later this semester. Nomination information about university-level awards may be found here UIC Awards | Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs | University of Illinois Chicago. Please note that small details about these requirements could be subject to change, depending upon campus-level faculty awards committee recommendations. However, major criteria are unlikely to change, so please do not hesitate to get started on these, as well.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I want to thank you in advance for nominating deserving individuals and organizations for these awards.