Annette Valenta named a fellow in the American College of Medical Informatics
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Annette Valenta, professor emerita of biomedical and health information sciences, has been named a fellow in the American College of Medical Informatics.
She is among nine leaders in the field who will be inducted Nov. 17 during the American Medical Informatics Association 2019 Annual Symposium in Washington, D.C.
“Their expertise and distinguished accomplishments across the diverse field of biomedical and health informatics reflects the impact informatics and information and data science continue to have on health care,” said William M. Tierney, president of the American College of Medical Informatics.
Valenta, who retired from UIC June 30, is a leader in the development of graduate-level and online programs in health informatics. She received the American Medical Informatics Association Leadership Award in 2016 for her work in chairing the organization’s accreditation committee.
Her research has focused on the role of information technology in patient safety and organizational issues involved in health technology.
Valenta holds three degrees from UIC: a BS in biological sciences (’74), an MPH (’75) and a DrPH in health resource management (’81’).