Picture of a women with long brown hair wearing brown and white glasses and hoops, and a rust colour sweater, smiling to the camera.

Delphine Labbé

Assistant Professor, Disability and Human Development

Office Phone



1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., 211a DHSP

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Office Hours

By appointment Tuesday to Thursday


Dr Delphine Labbé's research focuses on promoting full participation and health of people living with disabilities by optimizing their interaction with the social and physical environment. Her community-based research focuses on 3 main area 1) The lived experience of people with disabilities within their built and social urban environment, with a focus on pedestrian and active transportation; 2) Health promotion through recreational and physical activities for people with disabilities of all ages; and 3) the experience with assistive technologies of users and caregivers as a health determinants. Grounded in the social model of disability and the ecosystemic approach, she is using various qualitative and mixed methods approaches such as interviews, focus groups, photovoice, Q-methodology, world Cafés, and surveys. She has also expertise in Knowledge Translation (KT) and is deeply committed to co-construct knowledge with people with disabilities and with relevant stakeholders (e.g. urban planners, health care professionals) to produce policy and social changes.

Selected Grants

US Department of Health and Human Services (Administration for Community Living). , ADA National Network Regional Center V, Co-investigator

National Science Foundation, Crowd+AI Tools to Map, Analyze, and Visualize Sidewalk Accessibility for Inclusive Cities, Co-Investigator

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council- Partnership Grant (CANADA), Towards Barrier-Free Communities: A Partnership for Improving Mobility, Access and Participation (MAP) Among People with Disabilities (2020-2026), Co-Investigator, Lead of the Transportation stream

US Department of Health and Human Services (Administration for Community Living), Everybody Move! Supporting Access to Leisure-Time Physical Activity for Individuals with Disability from Racial and Ethnic Minority Backgrounds, Principal Investigator

Selected Publications

“Labbé, D., Yao, D Miller, W.C., Routhier, F., Rushton, P.W., Demers, L., Mortenson, W.B. (early online, 2024) Positive and negative experiences of caregivers helping power wheelchair users: a mixed-method study, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/17483107.2024.2313080”,

“Labbé, D., Eisenberg, Y., Snyder, D., Shanley, J., Hammel, J., & Froelich, J. (2023) Multiple-Stakeholder Perspectives on Accessibility Data and Use of Socio-Technical Tools to Improve Sidewalk Accessibility, Disabilities, 3(4), 621-638. https://doi.org/10.3390/disabilities3040040”,

“Labbé, D., Desai, N., Hermann, C. & Elder, C. (2023). “I Never Really Thought That a Virtual Ride Would be That Good!”: A Mixed-Method Study of the Experiences of Participants in Virtual Adaptive Recreation During Covid-19. Disability and Health Journal,16(1), 101395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2022.101395”,

“Labbé, D., Mahmood, A., Seetharaman, K., Miller, W.C., & Mortenson, W.B. (2022) Creating inclusive and healthy communities for all: A photovoice approach with adults with mobility limitations. Social Science and Medicine: Qualitative Methods, 2 (Dec 2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2022.100173”,

Publication Aggregators

Google Scholar

Research Gate

Leadership in the Profession

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Hnorary Affiliate Professor

Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, Adjunct Professor

Notable Honors

2022-2024 - Research Scholar Award , Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA)


PostDoctoral Fellow, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Department, University of British Columbia (2016-2019)
PhD in Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal, Concentration in Community Psychology (2015)
BSc in Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal (2004)