Gillian Corbo

Gillian Corbo

Clinical Instructor, Kinesiology and Nutrition

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901 W. Roosevelt Rd., 331 PEB

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Office Hours

By Appointment


Gillian Corbo is a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition. As a registered physiotherapist working in outpatient orthopaedics, her teaching focuses on merging structure and function. She is a trained anatomist with expertise in cadaveric dissection, and she incorporates clinical correlates from her patients into her anatomical teaching. She is also passionate about helping students gain admission to healthcare profession programs and runs experiential learning opportunities & a workshop series to help prepare students for the admission and interview process.


MPT, Physical Therapy, University of Western Ontario, 2019
MSc, Clinical Anatomy, University of Western Ontario, 2016
BKin, Kinesiology, University of British Columbia, 2014