AHS labs celebrate National Biomechanics Day with Chicago eighth-graders

Steven Garcia, KN postdoctoral research associate and member of the the UIC Biomechanics and Clinical Outcomes Lab, leads an ultrasound activity with a group of Altus eighth-graders.

Eighth-graders from Altus Academy visited AHS kinesiology labs for National Biomechanics Day to learn about possible careers in this breakthrough science.

National Biomechanics Day events are held by universities around the country to introduce the field to young students and interest them in ongoing research and new discoveries.

At the April 17 event, KN faculty and graduate students, led by Kharma Foucher, taught lessons, demonstrated different lab systems — ultrasound, 3D motion capture, electromyography and more — and helped students interact with the equipment.

“The field of biomechanics has grown immensely since the last time the event was held at UIC in 2018,” said Doyin Ogundiran, MS student in kinesiology. “We have a host of new graduate students and faculty very excited to share our field with the community.”

Vered Arbel, KN instructor, directs students through a Biodex testing sequence.

Altus Academy has partnered with AHS since 2018 through the Health and Wellness Academy, an initiative led by PT clinical instructor Lindsey Strieter. The program encourages healthy behaviors and introduces young people to different health science professions.

The National Biomechanics Day event gave visiting students “invaluable hands-on experience,” said Alfredo Villegas, principal of Altus Academy.

“Our students left motivated to learn more about the field of biomechanics,” Villegas said. “We’re so thankful for our partnership and look forward to making this an annual trip.”

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