First in class

Luka Chemmachel head shot
Irad Flores

“I loved every single course,” said Chemmachel, who transferred into rehabilitation sciences from kinesiology.

Chemmachel grew up in Darien and graduated from Hinsdale South High School. This fall, he’ll begin studies in occupational therapy at Midwestern University. He’s considering a career in pediatrics or geriatric home health care.

“With this major, I feel like I’m ahead of the game for grad school,” he said. “I learned so much that relates to my goals.”

Flores, a Lane Tech graduate who lives in Gage Park, began his studies at UIC in biological sciences, planning to become a physical therapist. A course in disability and human development changed his direction.

“Disability studies intersects with so much in our lives: policy, public health, medicine, social services,” Flores said.

When the new undergraduate program in disability and human development was announced, he extended his time at UIC so he could earn degrees in both majors. It was no small decision, because he was working full time to pay for school. He later added a part-time job at a day program for young adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

After graduation, Flores plans a career in social services. He is especially interested in working on issues related to disability in the Mexican-American community.

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