Alex Aruin
Professor, MS in Rehabilitation & Healthspan Promotion Program Director
Director of Graduate Studies
Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation Sciences
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427 AHSB
1919 W. Taylor St.
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Alexander S. Aruin received his PhD in medical cybernetics from the Moscow Institute of Artificial Organs and Transplantation in 1978 and a DSc (PhD) in biomechanics from the Latvian Institute of Traumatic Injuries and Orthopedics in 1990. He was affiliated with the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering as full professor and director of the Laboratory of Ergonomics and Biomechanics. After moving to the United States in 1992, he became a faculty at Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago and later a faculty member at Pennsylvania State University. He is currently a professor of physical therapy, bioengineering, and the director of the Knecht Movement Science Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Rush University, Chicago.
He has co-authored more than 200 referred papers and two monographs in the fields of biomechanics, kinesiology, motor control and neuromuscular disorders. His primary research interests have been focused on motor disorders and rehabilitation, biomechanics, and motor control. Dr. Aruin develops new technologies for providing physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Selected Grants
National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), Rehabilitation Research Training to Enhance Functional performance in MS, PI
American Heart/Stroke Association, Discomfort-induced approach to enhance gait rehabilitation in individuals with stroke, PI
National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), Enhancement of Anticipatory Postural Control in Individuals with MS, PI
NIDRR/U.S. Department of Education, Advanced Training in Translational and Community-Engaged Scholarship, Co-PI
Selected Publications
Publication Aggregators
Professional Leadership
Associate Editor, Rehabilitation, International Journal Motor Control
Notable Honors
2013, Graduate Mentoring Award, University of Illinois at Chicago
2014, Professor of the Year, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
2005, John Streff O.D. Vision Achievement Medal, Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association International
2000, Silver Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
DSc (PhD), Biomechanics, Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Latvia, 1990
MS, Exercise and Sport Science, Central Institute of Physical Culture, USSR, 1982
PhD, Biological and Medical Cybernetics (Biomedical Engineering), Institute of Artificial Organs and Transplantation, Moscow, USSR, 1978
MS, Electrical Engineering, Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, USSR 1969