Lindsay PhD

Lindsay Slater Hannigan

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy

Faculty Advisor, Rehabilitation Sciences

Focus Areas


Office Phone



1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., 305D DHSP

Mail Code

898 M/C

Office Hours

By appointment


Dr. Hannigan received her PhD in sports medicine from the University of Virginia where she evaluated biomechanical and strength adaptations following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction before and after high-intensity exercise. Following the completion of her PhD, Dr. Hannigan worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly known as the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) in the Center for Bionic Medicine. In her postdoctoral training, Dr. Hannigan predominantly worked with individuals with lower limb amputation.

Dr. Hannigan also serves as the Sports Sciences Manager for United States Figure Skating, where she works with an interdisciplinary team (MD, DO, DC, CSCS, coaches, and athletes) to support peak athletic performance and return to skating plans following injury.

Dr. Hannigan's passion is to keep people active and healthy, whether an Olympic athlete or a weekend warrior with a limb amputation. Currently, she is investigating the effects of ischemic conditioning on strength and ambulation following lower limb amputation in individuals with peripheral artery disease.

Selected Grants

Department of Defense, Improving mobility and function following transfemoral amputation: A novel approach to reverse volumetric muscle loss, Principal Investigator

American Heart Association, The effect of ischemic conditioning on strength and ambulation in lower limb amputees, Principal Investigator

AHS Interdisciplinary Pilot Grant, A novel approach to treat knee osteoarthritis in patients with and without history of lower limb amputation, Principal Investigator


Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Bionic Medicine, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, 2020
PhD, Sports Medicine, University of Virginia, 2017
MA, Kinesiology (Movement Sciences), The University of Texas at Austin, 2010
BS, Health and Sport Studies, Miami University, 2007
BA, Psychology, Miami University, 2007