Photo of Hammel, Joy

Joy Hammel


Wade Meyer Endowed Chair Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

Disability and Human Development

Occupational Therapy


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334 AHSB


1919 W. Taylor St.

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Joy's research and teaching focus on community-based participatory action research related to community living and participation choice, control and societal opportunity or disparities with people who are aging with disabilities and disability & aging communities. This includes: 1) research to identify key environmental barriers and supports to least restrictive community living and full societal participation of people with long term disabilities and chronic conditions, 2) research to create and test new consumer-directed and patient-centered assessment tools and item banks to evaluate health and participation disparities, and 3) participation-focused, self management intervention research to effect systems change, action plan environmental and policy issues, and build community capacity related to community living and participation. Joy also identifies as a disabled person and scholar herself and is actively involved in transferring researching findings and knowledge back to disability and aging communities to decrease health disparities and improve health and participation opportunities. Joy teaches courses in Disability Policy and PAR and Curriculum Design.

Selected Grants

National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research, Americans with Disabilities Act Participation Action Research, Co-PI

Housing and Urban Development, Housing Discrimination for People with Mental Disabilities, PI

Selected Publications

Publication Aggregators

Service to Community

Joy collaborates closely with local, state, national and international disability communities. These include Access Living Center for Independent Living, Progress Center for Independent Living, and the National Center for Independent Living Network. The ADA PARC project ( involves collaboration with ADA Regional Centers across the country to document participation disparities.

Professional Leadership

Member of the Dual Eligibles MAP Working Group, National Quality Forum

Wade-Meyer Endowed Chair of Occupational Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway, Visiting Research Professor

National Advisory Board, National Center on Medical and Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR)

Notable Honors

2017-2020, University Fellow with U of I system, Univerity of Illinois system

2016, Awarded Best Research Paper, National Association for Rehabilitation & Research Centers

2014, Academy of Research, American Occupational Therapy Foundation

2014, Terry Brittell OT/OTA national leadership award for OTR/COTA collaboration, American Occupational Therapy Association


PhD, Educational Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, 1994
Master of Art, Education, Instructional Design/Educational Technology, San Francisco State University, 1989
Bachelor of Science, Occupational Therapy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986

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