Kueifang (Kelly) Hsieh
Research Professor
IDHD Associate Director
Disability and Human Development
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Kueifang (Kelly) Hsieh, PhD. is a Research Professor in the Department of Disability and Human Development, and Associate Director of the Institute on Disability and Human Development Illinois University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD). She leads the Evaluation and Public Policy Unit within the Institute. Dr. Hsieh has a PhD in Public Health with emphasis in Community Health and Epidemiology. Her research interests primarily focus on exploring the relationship between health risk behaviors and health outcomes, including obesity, falls, cardiovascular disease, and dementia across the lifespan, among individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities using an epidemiological approach. She is also interested in investigating the efficacy of interventions to improve well-being and quality of life for adults with developmental disabilities through group exercise, health education, and mobile health intervention approach.
Selected Grants
AgeOptions, Comprehensive needs assessment of older adults residing in suburban Cook County Illinois, PI
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, We Walk 4 Health: A mHealth Intervention to Promote Physical Activity for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, PI
US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, University Center for Excellence in DD, Co-PI
Selected Publications
Publication Aggregators
PhD, Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001
MS, Child Development and Family Studies, University of Wyoming, 1989
BS, Nursing, Taipei Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, 1982