Jacob Krive
Clinical Associate Professor
Biomedical and Health Information Sciences
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Dr. Jacob Krive maintains industry and academic affiliations focused on biomedical informatics, healthcare data sciences, population health, and cognitive engineering. His research passions span such areas as clinical decision support systems, cloud computing for medical research, patient data management, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, medical ontologies, economics of health informatics, healthcare project management innovation, master patient data management, and biomedical informatics curriculum design. In addition to his academic work, Dr. Krive is a clinical analytics leader at Endeavor Health. Dr. Krive received his BS, MS, and MBA degrees from University of Maryland University College, and PhD from Nova Southeastern University. He is a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA) and also holds CPHIMS and Lean Six Sigma professional certifications. Dr. Krive designed several courses for BHIS graduate programs, co-founded Healthcare Data Science track of the MS program, co-designed innovative elective AI course for College of Medicine students, founded cardio-oncology AI research lab, teaches and oversees student research, publishes, and presents his funded work internationally. Dr. Krive is a member of the Editorial Board of the JMIR Online Journal of Public Health Informatics and an Associate Editor of Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. He peer-reviews for many global conferences and journals.
Selected Grants
Community Health Advocacy (CHA), Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Cardio-Oncology, Principal Investigator
Public Research Commons (PRC), Public Research Commons for COVID clinical data, Co-Investigator
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA), Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM) 3.0: Advancing health toward health equity throughout metropolitan Chicago, Co-Investigator / Research Analytics
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Machine Learning Modeling for Cardio-Oncology & Predicting Cardiotoxicity, Co-Investigator
UIC Vahlteich Innovation Award for College of Pharmacy, Social Determinants of Health and Geospatial Analytics for Diabetes Patients, Co-Investigator
Selected Publications
Krive, J., & Chertok, D. (2024). Advancing cardiovascular disease prediction machine learning models with psychological factors. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC): Advances, 3(9 Part II), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772963X24004162
Krive, J., Isola, M., Chang, L.F., Patel, T.N., Anderson, M., & Sreedhar, R. (2023). Grounded in reality: Artificial intelligence in medical education. Journal of the American Medical Informatics (JAMIA) Open, 6(2). https://academic.oup.com/jamiaopen/article/6/2/ooad037/7188283
Gniadek, T.J., Kang, J., Theparee, T., & Krive, J. (2023). Framework for classifying explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) algorithms in clinical medicine. JMIR Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 5:e50934. https://ojphi.jmir.org/2023/1/e50934
Al-Droubi, S.S., Jahangir, E., Kochendorfer, K.M., Krive, M., Laufer-Perl, M., Gilon, D., Okwuosa, T.M., Gans, C.P., Arnold, J.H., Bhaskar, S.T., Yasin, H.A., & Krive, J. (2023). Artificial intelligence modeling to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease in oncology patients. European Heart Journal – Digital Health, 4(3), https://academic.oup.com/ehjdh/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ehjdh/ztad031/7156811?searchresult=1
Isola, M., & Krive, J. (2022). Innovation of health data science curricula. Journal of the American Medical Informatics (JAMIA) Open, 5(3), https://academic.oup.com/jamiaopen/article/5/3/ooac073/6678087?guestAccessKey=0b3bcbcc-b979-4c08-8c45-03fdb4698a1a
Konchak, C.W., Krive, J., Au, L., Chertok, D., Dugad, P., Granchalek, G., Livschiz, E., Mandala, R., McElvania, E., Park, C., Robicsek, A., Sabatini, L.M., Shah, N.S., Kaul, K. (2021). From testing to decision making: A data-driven analytics COVID-19 response. Academic Pathology, 8, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23742895211010257
Krive, J. (2016). Six Sigma applicability and implementation in healthcare. In A. Ortenblad, R. Sheaff, & C. Abrahamson Lofstrom (Eds.), Management innovations for healthcare organizations. Oxford, United Kingdom: Routledge. ISBN-10: 1138825697. ISBN-13: 978-1138825697.
Krive, J., Mahatkumar, P., Gehm, L., Mackey, M., Kulstad, E., Li, J., Lussier, Y.A., & Boyd, A.D. (2015). The complexity and challenges of the ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM transition in emergency departments. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 33(5), 713-718.
Krive, J., Shoolin, J.S., & Zink, S.D. (2015). Effectiveness of evidence-based pneumonia CPOE order sets measured by health outcomes. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 7(2). Open access: http://ojphi.org/ojs/index.php/ojphi/article/view/5527
Krive, J. (2013). Building effective workforce management practices through shared governance and technology systems integration. Nursing Economics, 31(5), 231-236.
Service to Community
Dr. Krive serves on the editorial board in the Associate Editor role with Computational & Structural Biotechnology Journal JMIR Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. He is peer reviewer for JACC, Nature Digital Medicine, AMIA, European Heart Journal, Digital Health, Health Informatics Journal, AME Medical Journal, HIMSS, JMIR, IJSISE, HCA, CRC Press, and other journals, conferences, and publishers.
Professional Leadership
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Associate Editor for the "Smart Hospital" section, Computational & Structural Biotechnology Journal
Senior Manager - Data Analytics, Endeavor Health
Faculty, UIC College of Medicine, Clinical Informatics Fellowship
Clinician Researcher, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Editorial Board Member, JMIR Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
Notable Honors
2024, Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association, FAMIA
2022, Excalibur Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Illinois at Chicago
2018, Excalibur Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Illinois at Chicago
2017, Lab Service Award (for innovation in designing healthcare industry's first regulatory compliant medical research cloud), International Business Machines (IBM)
2016, Golden Apple Outstanding Faculty Award, Nova Southeastern University
PhD, Information Systems, Nova Southeastern University, 2013
MS, Management Information Systems, University of Maryland University College, 2006
MBA, University of Maryland University College, 2005
BS, Computer Studies and Management Studies, University of Maryland University College, 2002
Licensures and Certifications
Certified Professional in Healthcare Information Management and Systems (CPHIMS) certification from Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society (HIMSS)
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification from Purdue University
Cogito Project Manager (CPM) certification from Epic Systems
Basic Certificate in Quality from Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Professional Memberships
Selected Presentations
Krive, J. (2024). Artificial intelligence for neurology: A breakthrough or just a new automation tool? BRAIN Conference, University of Alberta, Camrose, Canada.
Krive, J., McCabe, K., & Karnik, N. (2024). Artificial intelligence and the social determinants of health panel. 12th Annual Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, https://www.chisite.org/events-all/healthequity2024
Imas, P., & Krive, J. (May 2024). Organizational culture shift towards self-service analytics via SlicerDicer. Epic Experts Group Meeting (XGM) conference, Madison, WI, United States of America, https://xgm.epic.com
Balogun, S., & Krive, J. (2024). Real world evidence of cardiotoxicity: Breast cancer oncology regimens. Summit of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), Boston, MA, United States of America, https://amia.org/education-events/amia-2024-informatics-summit.
Isola, M., Zalake, M., Mills, L., Krive, J. (2023). Impact of generative AI on health informatics education. Proceedings of the Linking Informatics and Education Academic Forum (LIEAF) at the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), New Orleans, LA, United States of America, https://amia.org/education-events/amia-2023-annual-symposium/lieaf
Al-Droubi, S.S., Bhaskar, S.T., Jahangir, E., Schaffer, K., Kochendorfer, K.M., Krive, M., Laufer-Perl, M., Gilon, D., Okwuosa, T.M., Gans, C.P., Arnold, J.H., & Krive, J. (2023). Implementation of EHR based cardio oncology algorithm for generating patient referrals in community practice. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), New Orleans, LA, United States of America, https://amia.org/education-events/amia-2023-annual-symposium
Krive, J. (2023). Partnerships with oncologists to explore cardiotoxicity and partner in medical practice implementation. Annual University of Illinois Cancer Center Retreat, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
Krive, J. (2023). Clinical analytics and AI in support of equitable access to cardiovascular care for oncology patients. Biomedical Informatics Health Equity (BIHE) Series, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
Krive, J. (2023). Machine learning to augment cardio-oncology medical practice operations and advance medical science. Loyola University Chicago, Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health, Health Informatics Series (invited talk), Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
Yasin, H.A., Al-Droubi, S.S., Jahangir, E., Kochendorfer, K.M., Krive, M., Laufer-Perl, M., Gilon, D., Okwuosa, T.M., Gans, C.P., Arnold, J.H., Bhaskar, S.T., Rini, B.I., & Krive, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence modelling to predict the risk of cardiotoxicity among renal cell carcinoma patients treated with vascular endothelial growth factor receptors tyrosine kinase inhibitors. International Kidney Cancer Symposium North America, Austin, Texas, United States of America, https://www.kcameetings.org/2022-ikcs-north-america.
Al-Droubi, S.S., Jahangir, E., Kochendorfer, K.M., Krive, M., Laufer-Perl, M., Gilon, D., Okwuosa, T.M., Gans, C.P., Arnold, J.H., Bhaskar, S.T., Yasin, H.A., & Krive, J. (2022). Machine learning modeling to support cardio-oncology medical practice. Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), Washington, DC, United States of America, https://amia.org/education-events/amia-2022-annual-symposium
Krive, J. (2022). AI in “real” medical practice: Why is it so hard to implement? UIC Journal Club for Clinical Informatics Fellows, UIC Hospital & College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
Al-Droubi, S.S., Jahangir, E., Kochendorfer, K.M., Krive, M., Laufer-Perl, M., Gilon, D., Okwuosa, T.M., Gans, C.P., Arnold, J.H., Bhaskar, S.T., Yasin, H.A., Iyer, R.K., Jalali, A., Parde, N., Foulger, R., Kataria, S., Bhardwaj, C., Rodriguez Ziccardi, M., Robles Granda, M.I., McGrew, D., Chen, Y., Choundhary, A., Aouad, M., Cao, Y., Gudur, A., & Krive, J. (2022). Machine learning opportunities to support cardio-oncology research and medical practice. Applied Health Sciences (AHS) Research Day, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States of America.
Jalali, A., Huang, S., Srivastava, V., Barapatre, A., Parida, S., Kim, S., Krive, J., Kochendorfer, K. (2022). Azure modern analytics architecture for synthetic syndromic surveillance. Center for Cardiovascular Research (CCVR) Day, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States of America.
Al-Droubi, S.S., Jahangir, E., Kochendorfer, K.M., Krive, M., Laufer-Perl, M., Gilon, D., Okwuosa, T.M., Gans, C.P., Arnold, J.H., Bhaskar, S.T., Yasin, H.A., & Krive, J. (2022). Machine learning modeling to support cardio-oncology medical practice. Vanderbilt University Clinical Informatics Center Fall InformaticCon, Nashville, TN, United States of America, https://www.vumc.org/vclic/informaticcon-fall-2022
Pauwaa, S., Akhter, N., Decara, J., Gans, C., Valencia, J., Basha, H., Pursnani, A., Kinno, M., Arif, S., Sharain, R., Chu, J., Tan, A., Krive, J., Brown, S-A., & Okwuosa., T. (2022). Opportunities and challenges for building a real world big data cohort in cardio-oncology. Illinois and Wisconsin Chapters of the American College of Cardiology, Chicago City-Wide Cardio-Oncology Clinical Conference, Rush University, Chicago, IL, United States of America.
Sreedhar, R., & Krive, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence in medical education. Introduction to Clinical Informatics Workshop, Mohamed I University (UMP). Oujda, Morocco, delivered virtually from Chicago, Illinois.
Isola, M., & Krive, J. (Sep 2022). Innovative approaches to curriculum design and preparing the health informatics workforce. Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM) Fall Festival Summit on Higher Education. Virtual delivery from Chicago, IL, https://www.cahiim.org/event-detail/2022/09/27/default-calendar/cahiim's-fall-festival-2022-summit-on-higher-education.
Imas, P., Keaveny, O., & Krive, J. (2022). The impact of SlicerDicer self-service analytics on research innovation. Epic Expert Group Meeting (XGM) conference, Verona, WI, United States of America, https://xgm.epic.com
Krive, J., Jalali, A., Huang, S., & Kochendorfer, K. (2022). Clinical research, engineering, and AI to address wicked problems in healthcare: Cardio-oncology AI use case. Microsoft Global Broadcast on Accelerating Research in Academic Medical Centers. Recorded in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
Krive, J. (Jan 13, 2022). Cardio-oncology data and analytics research consortium proposal. Chicagoland Cardio-Oncology Clinical (CCC) Leadership Group, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, United States of America.
Krive, J. (2021). Artificial intelligence and analytics in support of the cardio-oncology medical practice. UIC/UIUC/Mayo Clinic workshop conducted by Illinois Discovery Partners Institute (DPI) and Center for Computational Biotechnology and Genomic Medicine (CCBGM) – an NSF Industry-University Cooperative Center. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States of America.
Isola, M., Sreedhar, R., Chang, L. F., Patel, T. N., Anderson, M. C., & Krive, J. (2021). Medical curriculum elective to integrate clinical analytics and artificial intelligence in preparing physicians for the digitally enabled practice. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), https://www.amia.org/amia2021, San Diego, CA.
Sreedhar, R., Krive, J., Isola, M., Patel, T. N., & Chang, L. F. (2021). A2IM – Artificial and augmented intelligence in medicine. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, https://julnet.swoogo.com/iamse2021. Delivered virtually from Chicago, IL – during Covid pandemic.
Krive, J. (2021). Modern AI applications: Can AI do more than humans? UIC Journal Club for Clinical Informatics Fellows, UIC Hospital & College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.
Imas, P., & Krive, J. (2021). Promoting research innovation and increasing productivity through SlicerDicer self-service analytics. Epic Expert Group Meeting (XGM) conference, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America, https://xgm.epic.com. Delivered virtually from Chicago, IL – during Covid pandemic.
Gaffney, E., & Krive, J. (2021). Cogito project manager (CPM) and Cogito tools administrator (CTA) roles in legacy HIT: The story of organization-wide partnership. Epic Expert Group Meeting (XGM) conference, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America, https://xgm.epic.com. Delivered virtually from Chicago, IL – during Covid pandemic.
Kochendorfer, K. M., Gans, C. P., Krive, M., & Krive, J. (2021). Cardio-oncology analytics. Create Wisdom Grant Workshop, University of Illinois Discovery Partners Institute & EX3 Labs. Virtual delivery from Chicago, IL – during Covid pandemic.
Chang, L. F., Krive, J., Isola, M., Patel, T. N., & Sreedhar, R. (2021). Integrating AI into medical curriculum. Winter 2021 Meeting of the Central Group on Education Affairs (CGEA) of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), https://www.aamc.org/professional-development/affinity-groups/gea/cgea. Virtual delivery from Chicago, IL – during Covid pandemic.
Krive, M., & Krive, J. (2021). Clinical analytics to support and advance cardio-oncology practice. Conference on Advancing the Cardiovascular Care of the Oncology Patient, by the American College of Cardiology (ACC), https://www.acc.org/cvoncology. Virtual delivery from Chicago, IL - during Covid pandemic.
Research Currently in Progress
Cardiotoxicity predictive modeling
Metabolic toxicity predictive modeling
Real world evidence (RWE) of oncology drugs performance in terms of cardiotoxicity in medical practice
Large language models for mental health
Professional training in machine learning for medical multi-specialties
Artificial intelligence for digital pathology
Social determinants of health - LLM/NLP, diabetes, Long Covid