Abeer Mohamed (Mahmoud)
Assistant Professor
Kinesiology and Nutrition
Building & Room:
1919 W. Taylor St.
Office Phone:
Selected Grants
R01HL161386 National Institute of Health (NIH), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), Role of Adiposomes in Diabetes-Associated Endothelial Dysfunction and Restorative Effects of Exercise and Metabolic Surgery, Principle Investigator
R00HL140049 National Institute of Health (NIH), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), DNA Methylation and Vascular Function in Obesity: Role of Exercise and Weight Los, Principle Investigator
CACHET pilot (ChicAgo Center for Health and EnvironmenT), The role of microRNA deregulation as the mechanism of cadmium-induced atherosclerosis, Principle Investigator
IllNET RECOVER pilot, Asymmetric-dimethylarginine as a potential mediator of cardiovascular PASC, Principle Investigator
Selected Publications
Publication Aggregators
Notable Honors
2022, Oral Award for the Midwest Clinical and Translational Research Meeting, #
2021, Chicago Diabetes and Obesity Day Short Talk Award, #
2021, Chancellor's COVID Impact Research Award, #
2020, Emerging Investigator Award, #
Certificate in Bioinformatics, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019
Ph.D., Pathology, the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 2013
Board Certification and M.Sc., Pathology, South Egypt Cancer Institute, Egypt, 2006
MD, Assiut University, Egypt, 2000