AHS Directory
Search Results
Akinola, Yemi | Clinical Assistant Professor
Rehabilitation Sciences
Bustamante, Eduardo Esteban | Associate Professor
Kinesiology and Nutrition
Declerck, Louise | Post Doctoral Fellow
Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition
Gordon, Jr., Timotheus (T.J.) | Visiting Research Associate II
Disability and Human Development
Hall, Grenita | Clinical Associate Professor
Physical Therapy*Physical Therapy Faculty Practice
Hammel, Joy | Professor
Disability and Human Development*Occupational Therapy
Hasnain, Rooshey | Clinical Associate Professor
Disability and Human Development*Rehabilitation Sciences
Hsieh, Kueifang (Kelly) | Research Professor
Disability and Human Development
Jones, Robin Ann | Instructor, Director and Principal Investigator—Great Lakes ADA Center
Disability and Human Development
Labbé, Delphine | Assistant Professor
Disability and Human Development
Magasi, Susan | Professor, Head
Occupational Therapy*Disability and Human Development
Marks, Beth | Research Associate Professor
Disability and Human Development
Mirza, Mansha | Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy*Disability and Human Development
Nesbitt, Dimitri | Campus Experience Specialist, Institute on Disability and Human Development
Disability and Human Development
Sisirak, Jasmina | Research Assistant Professor
Disability and Human Development