Kristin Berg
Associate Professor
Disability and Human Development
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Dr. Berg is an associate professor in the Department of Disability & Human Development and the Training Director in the Illinois LEND Program. Dr. Berg received both her A.M. (M.S.W. equivalent) and Ph.D. in Social Work from the University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration. Using rigorous methods that are conceptually grounded in the social model of disability, Dr. Berg’s scholarship develops evidence to improve the health and independent living outcomes of youth with ASD and other development disabilities. As PI on a HRSA grant, [Family Adversity and Health Disparities for Children with Autism (R40MC28856-01-00s) Dr. Berg examined cutting-edge data on the intersection of early childhood adversity and service access disparities among youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Her project provided robust evidence that youth with ASD are at high risk of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) that are linked with delayed access to early childhood supports and services. Her most recent work continues to examine the intersection of disability, family adversity and mental health outcomes, looking for novel targets to reduce health disparities.
Selected Grants
HRSA, Leadership and Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities Program (LEND), Training Director
Selected Publications
Professional Leadership
Training Director; Social Work Discipline Director, Illinois Leadership and Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program
Ph.D. in Social Work (University of Chicago)
A.M. (MSW) in Social Work (University of Chicago)