Kathy Preissner
Clinical Professor
Occupational Therapy
Building & Room:
1919 W. Taylor St.
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Dr. Preissner has worked in a variety of hospital-based settings including acute care, intensive care, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, subacute care, and hand therapy. In her current role as Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, she designs and coordinates fieldwork experiences for students in the E-OTD program and practicum experiences for students in the P-OTD program. Dr. Preissner contributes to several courses and teaches on topics including self-management and evidence-based practice for people with multiple sclerosis, occupational therapy practice in the intensive care unit setting, and best practices in fieldwork education. Dr. Preissner's scholarly work is primarily focused in two areas: 1) Teaching and learning in occupational therapy education, especially fieldwork education, and 2) The development and testing of self-management education programs for people for people with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers. In addition, she has a particular interest in the history of occupational therapy history, especially the early years of the profession.
Selected Grants
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, Comparing the Effectiveness of Fatigue Management Programs for People with Multiple Sclerosis, Co-Investigator and Site Coordinator
American Occupational Therapy Association, Validation of the Fieldwork Performance Evaluation for the Occupational Therapy Students and Occupational Therapy Assistant Student, Co-PI
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, A Randomized Control Trial of a Teleconference Fatigue Management Program for People with Multiple Sclerosis, Co-PI
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Pilot Research Grants Program, Meeting the Challenges of MS: A Program for Family & Friends – Educational Intervention for MS Caregivers aged 18-49, Investigator
Selected Publications
Service to Community
Dr. Preissner served on a State of Illinois task force that identified unmet needs of people with MS, created recommendations, and complied a report which was which was presented to the 98th Illinois general assembly. She has also partnered with the Illinois Chapter of the National MS Society to support educational offerings to caregivers. See below for service to professional organizations.
Professional Leadership
Fieldwork Performance Evaluation Revision Team, American Occupational Therapy Association
Education Special Interest Section, Chair (Full board member), Illinois Occupational Therapy Association
Archives Committee, co-chair, Illinois Occupational Therapy Association
Notable Honors
2018, Roster of Fellows, American Occupational Therapy Association
2016, Securing the Common Good: Hull-House History (year-long faculty institute), National Endowment for the Humanities
2009 and 2011, Educator of the Year, College of Applied Health Sciences, Univesity of Illinois at Chicago
2006, 2008, 2010, Excalibur Award, University of Illinois at Chicago
Doctor of Education in Adult and Higher Education, Northern Illinois University, 2013
Master of Health Science in Occupational Therapy (neurorehabilitation concentration), University of Indianapolis, 2002
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1996