Academic Standing and Dismissal

Each program in the college has specific standards and expectations for maintaining enrollment in a given program.

For undergraduate students with the exception of those enrolled in professional programs (e.g. Health Information Management and Nutrition), all students are expected to maintain a minimum semester, UIC, and cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and be making sufficient progress toward their degree.  Academic standing for students enrolled in graduate programs are administered by the Graduate College. Students should consult the Graduate College for additional details.

Students enrolled in professional programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional level are also expected to demonstrate professional behaviors in accordance with their accrediting and agencies. Students are at risk for dismissal for academic reasons, but also for failure to demonstrate appropriate professional behaviors or to meet the minimum clinical practice standards and expectations set by their individual programs.  Students should consult their specific program handbooks and clinical course syllabi for additional details regarding these standards.


Students who fail to meet the minimum academic standing requirements set by their program will be placed on probation.  Generally, students have one semester on probation to raise their UIC and cumulative grade point averages. Students should consult the undergraduate/graduate catalog and their student handbook for additional details regarding academic standing.


Failure to meet the conditions of probation will put a student at risk for dismissal in their next term of enrollment.  When students are dismissed, they are dismissed from their current academic program and the university. Students will not be eligible to enroll for future terms unless they are readmitted for a future term.  If a student feels there are extenuating circumstances or information missing from record, they have the opportunity to appeal the decision. Students should consult their program handbook or their dismissal letter regarding the process to appeal their dismissal decision.  For additional information, students can discuss with their program director or the AHS Student Affairs Office.