Registration and Forms
Several AHS courses are available to both AHS and non-AHS students. Looking for information on course registration, overrides, permissions, wait lists or other registration-related matters? You’re in the right place!
The Registrar’s Office has also created a series of “how to guides” to help with creating your class schedule. Guides include – how to identify on campus versus online courses; changing the number of credit hours; and more.
Call to Action buttons Heading link
XE Registration quick video guides
Course permissions Heading link
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact the AHS Office of Student Affairs at or 312-996-2079 for information on registration overrides, course permissions, waitlists and more.
WAITLISTS: Some courses on campus have a waitlist option. The waitlist only becomes available once the seats in a section have filled. Once the course is full, the waitlist option will automatically open up if there are any available seats on the waitlist. If this option does not appear, then there are no spots open on the waitlist. If the waitlist option appears, then a student can sign up for the waitlist list spot. As seats become available in the course, the first student on the waitlist is contacted via email and given 24 hours to enroll in the course. If they do not register within the specific time period, they are removed from the waitlist. The next student on the list then is offered the seat. It may appear as if there are open seats in a course when students on the waitlist are in the process of being notified/registering. However, only students on the waitlist are eligible to enroll for any open seats in the course. Please contact the AHS Office of Student Affairs if you have any questions at 312-996-2079.
Course Permissions links Heading link
Forms Heading link
Don’t see the form you are looking for? Contact the AHS Office of Student Affairs at or 312-996-2079.
Forms links Heading link

We're here to help Heading link
Contact Eileen Doran with your questions about registration, permissions, wait lists and more.
You can contact me at:
Phone: 312-996-2078
1919 W. Taylor St.
516 AHSB (MC 528)
Chicago, IL 60612