AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Kinesiology Waitlists

Welcome to the waitlist page for undergraduate Kinesiology courses.

This page serves two groups:

  • Students outside of the Department of Kinesiology and College of Applied Health Sciences who wish to enroll in Kinesiology courses.
  • Students within Kinesiology/AHS who wish to sign up for closed sections waiting for seats to open or new sections to be added.

Instructions Heading link

Please read the information below carefully before submitting your request on the form linked at the bottom of the page.

  • Most KN courses are restricted to majors in the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition or College of Applied Health Sciences (AHS).
  • While priority is given to AHS students, we work to accommodate as many non-AHS students as possible.
  • You MUST submit a separate form for each course you wish to waitlist.
  • The department begins giving overrides to non-AHS students once Open Registration starts, and will continue until classes begin.
  • If approved for an override, you will receive a confirmation via UIC email with additional instructions.

Notes on Anatomy and Physiology courses.  PLEASE READ!!

The following courses are offered.  Please consult with your advisor about which course or course sequence is the best for you.

KN 230 (fall and spring) Anatomy and Physiology Lecture I

Prerequisite:  Cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 on the A=4.0 scale and successful completion of BIOS 110 or equivalent course with a grade of C or better.

KN 231 (fall and spring) Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of KN 230 or equivalent course.

KN 232 (fall only) Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I

Prerequisite:  Credit or concurrent enrollment in KN 230 or equivalent course.

KN 233 (spring only) Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II

Prerequisite:  Credit or concurrent enrollment in KN 231 or equivalent course.

KN 253 (fall and spring) Human Anatomy and Physiology I (fully online, no lab)

Prerequisite:  Cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 on the A=4.0 scale and successful completion of BIOS 110 or equivalent course with a grade of C or better.

KN 254 (fall and spring) Human Anatomy and Physiology II (fully online, no lab).

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of KN 253 or equivalent course.

Overrides for anatomy and physiology courses with GPA requirements are given after grades are posted for the current semester.  For example, overrides for KN 230 in the fall will not begin until after spring grades are posted in May.  Overrides for KN 230 in the spring will not begin until after fall grades are posted in December.

Students enrolled in KN 230 and 232 will automatically receive overrides for KN 231 and 233.  There is no need to waitlist for 231 and/or 233 if you’re already in 230 and/or 232.

If you received an email confirmation of your waitlist submission, there is no need to contact the department of Kinesiology and Nutrition to check your status.  Overrides will be given to students meeting the prerequisites in the order they are received.

Clicking the link below indicates that you have read and understand the guidelines above.

Join the Kinesiology waitlist