Madison Taylor

After multiple moves across the US, from California to South Carolina to Texas, Madison found two things that always stayed the same: her passion for art and her love for science. With a general goal of pursuing a career in the sciences, she took pre-med classes during undergrad. By junior year, Madison naturally gravitated towards an art minor, which led her to discover Biomedical Visualization. She was thrilled to find a field that combined visual and creative problem-solving with the communication and acquisition of scientific knowledge. While balancing her science and art classes, Madison was also a core player on the women’s water polo team. Madison graduated in 2022 from Austin College with BS in Biology and a minor in art. After graduation, she took a gap year where she spent her time developing her portfolio, doing freelance illustration, and working as a lifeguard in San Clemente, CA.

During her time at BVIS, Madison hopes to explore 3D modeling and animation, but is open to learning everything the program has to offer. While she is still figuring out her specific career goals, Madison is passionate about contributing to the advancement and accessibility of medicine through visual communication.