Free sport psychology consultations available to high school athletes, coaches

High school athletes and coaches can learn to reach their performance potential through free consulting in sport psychology now offered by the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition in the UIC College of Applied Health Sciences.

Workshops and individual coaching are provided by faculty and graduate students in the Performance, Sport, and Exercise Psychology concentration who are certified mental performance consultants or consultants-in-training through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology.

The program also offers preseason and year-round sport psychology support.

Services include:

  • team workshops in sport psychology skills such as leadership, focus and cohesion
  • individual skills coaching in confidence, managing performance anxiety and other topics
  • captain skills such as communication, leadership and coping with stress
  • education and development for coaches such as enhancing athlete confidence and avoiding burnout.

The program is led by kinesiology faculty members Meredith Wekesser and Aspen Ankney with program director John Coumbe-Lilley.

For more information, contact Meredith Wekesser at 312-413-5633 or

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