Kassie Baker

Kassie Baker is from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Growing up, she loved drawing, painting, and being creative. She has also always been curious about the natural world and loves anything related to science and the human body. When she discovered the world of medical illustration in undergrad, her heart was set on combining her passions and pursuing a Master’s degree in medical illustration. She graduated from Grand Valley State University in 2023 with a double-major in Biomedical Science and Studio Art.

Kassie was drawn to the BVIS program because of its curriculum with plenty of elective options, its emphasis on student collaboration, and the supportive faculty and student environment. While at UIC, Kassie is excited for the opportunity to refine her traditional skills, learn new media, and become a better visual problem solver. Although she doesn’t know what specific path she will take after BVIS, she hopes to use what she learns to create engaging, accessible material that allows for better communication in the scientific world.

In her free time, you can find Kassie birdwatching, cooking, exploring nature, or hanging out with family and friends!