Assistive Technology Certificate
Deliver state-of-the-art assistive technology services and solutions to individuals with disabilities
UIC’s Certificate Program in Assistive Technology is a flexible package of 13 graduate-level credit hours designed to train individuals to deliver state-of-the-art assistive technology clinical services and solutions for people with physical, cognitive and/or sensory disabilities. Learn how to analyze a person’s interaction with their environment, help them select effective technology, and support their use of tools through implementation and follow-up training.
Complete our program entirely online or through a combination of online and on-campus, lab-based courses. Each course is taught by recognized assistive technology professionals who work in a variety of settings and have extensive experience in their area of focus. Our core faculty are senior clinicians in the UIC Assistive Technology Unit and RESNA-Certified assistive technology professionals. Courses can be taken individually without enrolling in the certificate program.
Stats Heading link
100 % RESNA ATP certification pass rate in FY21
20 Individual courses
What to expect: A detailed look at the program
Quote Heading link
The UIC AT Certificate Program fit into my life as a busy working mom of three children. It expanded my knowledge and made me feel more confident.
AT certificate graduate|
Your Career Heading link
Providing access for people with disabilities to learn, live, work and play more independently in the community is a growing part of many different fields of practice. Our certificate will expand your professional training in fields such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech language pathology, special education, engineering and vocational rehabilitation.
Learn from the best Heading link
Understanding by doing Heading link
You’ll get hands-on experiences so you’re ready for real-world situations. Get in-depth training on topics like:
- Computers, communication and controls in rehabilitation technology:Â Learn how to evaluate access methods and controls used to operate computers, communication devices and powered wheelchairs, and investigate device features and integration factors.
- Augmentative communication assessment: Examine strategies and evaluation materials, including case example discussions of specific approaches for different ages, disabilities, and settings. You’ll work directly with speech-generating devices and gain hands-on experience using a variety of access methods, rate enhancement techniques and vocabulary expansion tools.
- Consideration and assessment in K12 Settings:Â Work with your own real-life student in a case study project that takes you through all stages of AT consideration, assessment, implementation, and documentation. Design and deliver an AT assessment and get real results you can share with your team.
- Adaptive equipment design and fabrication: Explore custom design and fabrication of low-tech adaptive equipment. Practice sessions put you to work in our Assistive Technology Unit shop, where you’ll complete an individual project based on actual consumer request.
Quote Heading link
The UIC AT Certificate Program is so informative, engaging, and important! Coursework was thoughtful, well-organized, and presented in a manner that made me feel ready to bring newly acquired knowledge into my practice.
AT certificate graduate|
Questions? Heading link

Still wondering what a certificate in assistive technology can do for you? Contact us and get your questions answered.
You can contact the AT Certificate Program:
Phone 312.996.1508
Address 1640 W. Roosevelt Rd.
207 DHSP, MC 626
Chicago, IL 60608-6904
Accreditation Heading link
Our assistive technology certificate is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Education. As part of the accreditation process, we annually report program data to CAAHEP based on program data and post-completion surveys.
For the academic year 2021: 97% student retention, RESNA ATP 100% pass rate*, 90% employed and providing assistive technology services post-completion.
For the academic year 2022: 98% student retention, RESNA ATP 100% pass rate*, 100% employed with majority providing assistive technology services post-completion.
For the academic year 2023: 98% student retention, RESNA ATP 100% pass rate*, 100% employed with majority providing assistive technology services post-completion.
*RESNA ATP professional credentialing is not required by the UIC AT Certificate Program. Pass rate is self-reported by graduates who choose to apply for RESNA’s ATP credential.