Doctor of Clinical Exercise Physiology
Training experts that apply exercise interventions across patients with complex clinical morbidities
UIC’s Doctor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (DCEP) program provides unique didactic and practical training opportunities that elevate the professional preparation beyond what is currently available for students who aspire to practice as clinical exercise physiologists.
Our program builds upon a master’s degree training and delivers rigorous didactic and practical education that includes the clinical management of patients with complex health conditions, performing echocardiograms, delivering diabetes education to patients and effectively managing clinical programs and personnel.
Students who complete earn our DCEP are well poised to pursue careers in cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, bariatric exercise programs, cancer rehabilitation and other clinical exercise intervention settings, cardiopulmonary exercise stress testing, diabetes education, program management, cardiovascular sonography, academics, be a part of medical research teams and more.
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60% Employers are 60% more likely to hire a candidate with a DCEP over a master's and
70% would pay, on average, $10k more per year to candidates with a DCEP Learn More
1st program of its kind in the United States
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DCEP receives IBHE approval Heading link
The only DCEP program in the country has already attracted attention
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Our graduates are uniquely prepare to sit for certifications that students at the master’s level commonly are not prepared to take (ACSM’s Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer and Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer, Certified Diabetes Educator, Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer).
In a survey taken by cardiac, pulmonary and exercise testing directors/managers within Illinois of the respondents, 60% identified that if presented two candidates, one with a master’s and one with a professional doctorate, they would be more inclined to hire the professional doctorate. Additionally, 23 reported that they would pay a higher starting salary (on average $10,000 more per year) for a DCEP over a master’s prepared student.
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See yourself at UIC
Still wondering what a DCEP can do for you? Contact us to learn more.
You can contact Dr. Cemal Ozemek at:
Phone 312.355.3996
Address 1919 W. Taylor St.
443 AHSB, MC 898
Chicago, IL 60612