Clinical Exercise Physiology concentration

Become a healthcare professional that uses exercise and education to manage or prevent chronic disease.
Earn your master’s degree in just ONE year with Chicago's only Clinical Exercise Physiology program. This unique program blends rigorous coursework with 600 hours of clinical internship experience, qualifying students to meet the American College of Sports Medicine’s eligibly requirements for the Clinical Exercise Physiologist certification exam
Careers Heading link
Advanced degree paths include:
- Ph.D. / M.D.
- Allied health clinical fields, such as physical therapy
- Physician’s assistant
Career paths without pursuing an additional advanced degree include:
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Exercise Specialist in Oncology or Neurology
- Health Coaching
- Research Coordinator
Required courses* Heading link
KN 500 Evidence-Based Practice in Kinesiology and Nutrition
KN 540 Foundations and Organization of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Programs
KN 542 Advanced Electrocardiography
KN 545 Advanced Exercise Programming Assessment
KN 547 Exercise Pharmacology
KN 550 Applied Exercise Physiology
KN 554 Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology
KN 593 Internship in Kinesiology
*Only 500-level classes with A-F grading are counted towards this required minimum (thus KN596, KN597, KN598 and any other class with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading do not count). Moreover, only 400- and 500-level classes count towards the MS. Any 100-, 200- or 300-level class (for example classes taken to fulfill prerequisites) will not count towards the required total credits or GPA calculation.
Questions? Heading link

Still wondering what a concentration in clinical exercise physiology can do for you? We’re here to answer your questions.
You can contact Brooks Hibner at:
Phone 312.355.2028
Address 1919 W. Taylor St.
650 AHSB, MC 517
Chicago, IL 60612