Health Innovation

Committed to innovation in education, practice and research

Creating a health-focused future requires inventive approaches now. We are taking steps today that will help realize the healthspan model, delivering healthy living medicine effectively.

The World Health Organization defines health innovation as a means to “develop and deliver new or improved health policies, systems, products and technologies, and services and delivery methods that improve people’s health.” At the UIC Department of Physical Therapy, our education, clinical and community services, and research embody that.

Notably, the Healthy Living for Pandemic Event Protection network was introduced in 2020 to promote human resilience and quality of life by increasing healthy living behaviors.

Innovation in education Heading link

We offer certificate programs that students stack alongside academic degrees as preparation for a multifaceted, ever-changing workplace. Certificates supplement a degree by providing in-depth coverage of many topics that fall in-between core focus areas.

DPT students with certificates are able to demonstrate their commitment to health promotion across the lifespan, making them more desirable to employers. By spanning disciplines and intersecting with diverse populations, certificates promote more comprehensive wellness.

Innovation in practice Heading link

Innovation in research Heading link

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Contact us

Do you have any questions about health innovation?

You can contact Ross Arena at:
Phone 312.355.3338
Address 1919 W. Taylor St.
454 AHSB, MC 898
Chicago, IL 60612

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