HL-PIVOT: Healthy Living for Pandemic Event Protection

Promoting Human Resilience and Quality of Life

Introducing the Healthy Living for Pandemic Event Protection (HL- PIVOT) network. The overarching goal of this network is to promote human resilience and quality of life by increasing healthy living behaviors.

While certainly different from the current health crisis induced by COVID-19, we have been living with several other significant health conditions that continue to have catastrophic effects on a global scale. In fact, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) (e.g., cardiovascular disease, certain forms of cancer, respiratory disease) have all been characterized as pandemics.

We have come to the point, based on overwhelming scientific evidence spanning several decades, that importance and value of healthy living (HL) (i.e., physical activity, good nutrition, appropriate body weight and not smoking) in preventing (primary prevention) and treating (secondary prevention) the conditions above is beyond dispute.

For too long we have created a false and, for a large proportion of the population, unattainable all or nothing approach to HL behaviors. If approached in this context, some HL behaviors are better than none and more is better, we have a renewed opportunity to make significant progress in improving global trends in unhealthy lifestyles patterns and poor health trajectory.

This proposed new HL-PIVOT initiative recognizes:

  • the COVID-19 pandemic is playing the major role in impacting daily life patterns and how we perceive population health and
  • this impact warrants turning or pivoting in a different direction with the goal of meaningfully increasing HL behaviors on a global level
  • Impact Other pandemics like diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, and noncommunicable disease impact ability to stay healthy. Learn More

  • Amount Some healthy living (i.e. physical activity) is better than none, and more is best - a renewed effort is needed

  • Risk Risk for poor outcomes is higher with SARS-coV-2 infection and pre-existing condition(s)

  • Polypill No other medicine in the world can claim to have the same impact on multiple conditions as the healthy living "polypill"

HL-PIVOT Network Heading link


A change in optics and a new approach for collaboration are primary driving forces for inception of the HL-PIVOT network. Healthy living has previously been described as a polypill that can come in many “shapes and sizes” and still have tremendous benefit. Moreover, the HL polypill is an essential medicine for all the pandemics described in this commentary, no other medicine in the world can claim to have the same impact in treating multiple health conditions at the same time. Given the universal nature of HL medicine, working collaboratively, across professions in an unprecedented way, is warranted and the only way a meaningful impact on global health can be made at this point.

Initially, founding HL-PIVOT network members will be encouraged to bring ongoing HL projects/initiatives under the HL-PIVOT umbrella. Subsequently, we intend to globally expand the network and facilitate future projects/initiatives in all areas — including knowledge discovery, education, policy, and implementation — to consider collaboration within the HL-PIVOT network.

It is our hope that a unified voice, promoting HL on a global scale, will greatly move the field forward and translate to meaningful improvements in HL behaviors.

Major Areas of Focus Heading link

Knowledge Discovery
Conduct healthy living research that furthers our understanding of the field and has real world applicability
Whenever possible, collaborate on research projects within the network to increase applicability and impact
Disseminate findings through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations
Advocate for increased research funding for healthy living and collaboratively apply for funding within the network
K-12 and general college/university education: Promote and support initiatives that enhance students understanding of the importance of healthy living and creates a culture of health and wellness
Health Professional Education: Promote and support the inclusion of healthy living medicine training in all health professional education programs
Propose, support and promote policies that increase the likelihood of healthy living behaviors on global, national, state and local levels
Support and promote initiatives and messaging that creates a culture of health and wellness where individuals work, live, and go to school
Support and promote initiatives that increase the use of healthy living medicine in all aspects of health care delivery, moving from a reactionary care model to a proactive, preventive care model
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Contact us

Do you have any questions about HL-PIVOT?

You can contact Ross Arena at:
Email raarena@uic.edu
Phone 312.355.3338
Address 1919 W. Taylor St.
454 AHSB
Chicago, IL 60612

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