Improve the quality of life for individuals through research, education and rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation science relates to human functioning in health, disease and disability in the current social, political, physical and health care environments. Broad expertise in this discipline is the basis for excelling in many health-related fields and pursuing advanced degrees.

Housed in the UIC College of Applied Health Sciences, we are uniquely positioned to offer interdisciplinary programs that tap into the research and expertise of the college to provide innovative and experiential learning.

If you’re committed to providing quality care that enables people to live happier, healthier lives, you’re in the right place.

Academic programs and deadlines Heading link

Tuition and fees Heading link

Tuition is determined by the University of Illinois at Chicago. You can always see the most up-to-date calculations on the Admissions website.

Attend UIC 100% tuition-free Heading link

Are you an Illinois resident whose family earns $75,000 or less? You may be eligible for $0 tuition and fees at UIC. Free your mind from the stress of college debt and focus on where this exceptional education will take you. Earn a life-changing 4-year degree — 100% tuition-free — with the UIC Aspire program.

Find out more

Financial aid Heading link

Funding your education can be complex, but we believe money shouldn’t be a barrier to reaching your goals. We’re committed to making college affordable by helping you through the financial aid process.

Loans, grants, scholarships and student jobs make college more affordable and accessible. Familiarize yourself with the options available to you and contact us when you need help.

Scholarships and awards Heading link

Students in good standing who demonstrate financial need are eligible to apply to college-specific scholarship and awards. For a full listing, visit the AHS tuition and aid page.

Jennifer Wescott headshot

We’re here for you

Understanding the financial process can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help.

For the BS program contact Jennifer Wescott at:
Phone 312.413.5362
Address 1919 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612

Alex Aruin headshot

For the PhD program contact Alex Ariun at:
Phone 312.355.0904
Address 1919 W. Taylor St.
427 AHSB, MC 898
Chicago, IL 60612

Rehabilitation Sciences Events Heading link

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