Everybody Moves!
Supporting Access to Leisure-Time Physical Activity for Individuals with Disability from Racial and Ethnic Minority Backgrounds
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The overall goal of Everybody Moves! is to better understand needs and factors that impact participation to Leisure-Time Physical Activity participation experienced by people with disabilities Latinos and Black/African American backgrounds and to identify gaps in services and resources for meeting these needs.
This study aims to explore three different levels of influence on Leisure-Time Physical Activity :
- We seek to better understand the factors that impact an individual’s access to and participation in LTPA the experiences and needs of individuals with disabilities from ethnic and racial backgrounds related to their participation in LTPA, as well as the factors that impact their engagement in LTPA.
- We will examine the community-based organizations that provide opportunities for people with disabilities from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds to participate in leisure time physical activity.
- We will analyze existing policies that may impact disability and inclusion of racial and ethnic minorities in LTPA.
Using the findings from all these sources, we aim to develop evidence-informed priorities and recommendations to support equitable access to LTPA for people with disabilities from ethnic and racial minority groups.
Participation includes one 60-minute in-person or Zoom interview which will be audio recorded. Interview questions will primarily focus on your participation in physical activities including how you access physical activity programs, how participating in physical activity has impacted you, and things that affect your ability to participate. You will be compensated $30 for your time via electronic cash or via check.
If you are interested, this study might be a good fit for you if:
- You are at least 18 years old
- Identify as Black/African American, Latinx or Hispanic with a mobility limitation
- Live within or near Illinois
If you are interested please contact: everybodymoves@uic.edu
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National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Field Initiated Minority Serving Institution # 90IFST0011.
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Principal investigators
Delphine Labbé, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Monika Stodolska, UI-Urbana Champaign, College of Applied Health Sciences
Casey Herman, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Yochai Eisenberg, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences