Illinois Training Initiative to Support People with Dual-Diagnosis

The Illinois Training Initiative to Support People with Dual-Diagnosis is a collaboration between the UIC University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), Department of Disability and Human Development, and the UIC Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy (CMHSRP), Department of Psychiatry. The aims of this 5-year initiative are

  1. to identify needs and service gaps for people with dual-diagnosis including underserved communities through an environmental scan;
  2. develop an action plan to improve coordination between service providers;
  3. develop, implement, and disseminate sustainable training; and
  4. sustain cross-systems integration.

The initiative has formed a Consortium Action Network (CAN) with members from state stakeholders, services providers, and people with disabilities. The CAN will work to identify state priorities in existing services for people with dual diagnosis, develop sustainable training to promote ongoing collaboration between the IDD and mental health systems, and consider any needed changes in policies and practices to promote access to services.

Funding Heading link

The project is funded through a grant from the Administration of Community Living

IRB information
IRB is part of a larger study called the Weight and Veterans Environments Study.

Publications and resources Heading link

Lulinski, A. & Heller, T. (2021) Community capacity to provide mental/behavioral health services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities Transitioning from state operated developmental centers. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 59 (3) 224–238.

Hsieh, K., Scott, H. M & Murthy, S. (2020) Associated risk factors for depression and anxiety in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Five-year follow up. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 125 (1) 49-63.

Owen, R., Bowers, A., Heller, T., Hsieh, K., & Gould, R. (2016). The impact of support services teams: Community-based behavioral health support interventions. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities.

Team Heading link

Principal investigator
Tamar Heller, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences

Judith Cook, UIC Department of Psychiatry
Kelly Hsieh, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Caitlin Crabb, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Frances Aranda, UIC Department of Psychiatry
Beth Marks, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences

Support staff
Timotheus Gordon, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Jae Jin Pak, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Susan Kahan, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Helen Rottier, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences

Research staff
Randa Abdelrahim, UIC College of Applied Health Sciences

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