News Archive

  • Leading lady

    Kelly Tappenden new head of the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition

  • Healthy habits

    Alumna Rhonda Atallah helps adolescent Muslim girls find empowerment through health and exercise

  • Launching a legacy

    Professor emerita gives back to the department she helped put on the map

  • Rhonda Atallah leads a group of Muslim girls in a group exercise

    Healthy habits

    Alumna Rhonda Atallah helps adolescent Muslim girls find empowerment through health and exercise

  • Phyllis Bowen sits next to a piano in her home library

    Launching a legacy

    Professor emerita gives back to the department she helped put on the map

  • Undergrads focus work on Latina breast cancer survivors

    Cantoral worked on two projects to improve Latina women’s breast cancer outcomes

  • Can you fast while dieting?

    Alternate-day fasting diets are just as effective as diets that restrict calories every day, Krista Varady and fellow researchers report

  • John Coumbe-Lilley aims to build relationships across campus

    As UIC’s faculty athletic representative, John Coumbe-Lilley provides oversight to ensure the academic integrity of intercollegiate athletics and enhances the student-athlete experience